Libraries in Python for AI (Artificial Intelligence) develoment are

  1. Numpy:

    Working with arrays of data, commonly used in machine learning.
  2. Pandas:

    Working with data frames and data analysis.
  3. Matplotlib:

    Creating visualizations and graphs
  4. Scikit-learn:

    A library for machine learning Algorithm
  5. TensorFlow:

    Creating and running machine learning models
  6. Keras:

    A high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
  7. PyTorch:

    Used for deep learning, developed by Facebook.
  8. OpenCV:

    A library for computer vision tasks such as object detection and face recognition.
  9. NLTK:

    A NLP library for text analysis and language understranding.
  10. Gensim:

    A library for topic modeling and document similarity analysis
  11. SciPy:

    A library for topic modeling and document similarity analysis
  12. MXNet:

    A deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility, created by Apache
  13. Hugging Face Transformers:

    A librar that provides a wide range of pre-trained models for NLP task
  14. FastAI:

    A deep learning library designed for making AI more accessible and easier to use.
  15. AllenNLP:

    A NLP library built on PyTorch that allows for easy experimentation with models.
  16. SpaCy:

    A NLP library design for high-performance text processing.
  17. Caffe:

    A deep learning framework used for image recognition and other visual tasks.
  18. Theano:

    A library for fast numerical computation, commonly used in deep learning.
  19. PyBrain:

    A library for neural networks and other machine learning algorithms.
  20. Chainer:

    A flexible deep learning framework for Python.

Some of the most commonly used packages in Python, apart from the ones specifically related to AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning, include:

  1. Request:

    A package for making HTTP requests.
  2. Beautiful Soup:

    A package for web scraping and parsing HTML and XML documents.
  3. Pygame:

    Building games and multimedia applications.
  4. Flask:

    A lightweight web framework for building web applications in Python.
  5. Django:

    A full-stack web framework for building complex web application.
  6. Pillow:

    Processing and manupulating images.
  7. NumPy:

    For numerical computing with Python.
  8. Pandas:

    For data manipulation and analysis.
  9. Matplotlib:

    For creating visualizations and plots.
  10. SciPy:

    For scientific computing and advanced mathematics.